Sustainability, Local Sourcing, & ethical ingredients

Sustainability, Local Relationships, & Ethical Ingredient Sourcing
Our top priority is to keep our business in line with the natural world and this means reducing our carbon footprint as much as possible. Our packaging is plastic free and reduce plastic waste where possible.
We love working with local and small makers, producers, and growers for ingredients. This is a constant work in progress as we add more and more small producers to the mix and also add more things to produce ourselves here on our mini homestead. The bulk of our ingredients supports a business right here in Ohio. We also try to support local charitable organizations when possible.
Our products are always palm oil free. Palm oil production is a leading cause of deforestation and threatens the lives of many species. We scent our soaps with therapeutic grade essential oils and use natural clays and botanicals for color. Our candles are made with phthalate-free fragrances and coco-soy wax. We always disclose if and when we use fragrances as opposed to essential oils to keep from having to guess.